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Just Jolly Groups

Groups: Reviewing Member Answers in the Just Jolly App

To review member answers in the Just Jolly app:

  1. Go to the Just Jolly app.

  2. Tap Groups tab.

  3. Tap the group that you want to review membership questions for.

  4. Choose an option to review answers based on your group's privacy settings:

    1. For private groups: In private groups, a group admin must approve each new member regardless of whether the membership questions are required or optional.

      1. Tap Requests to join under the Members section.

      2.  Tap Show all (#) Answers under the name of the pending member.

      3. The member's answers appear in a new screen. Review the answers before selecting Approve All or Decline All at the bottom.

    2. For public and secret groups: In both public and secret groups, a member joins automatically if there are no required membership questions. For required questions, the potential member must fill out an answer before they can join, but no further approval is needed.

      1. Tap the group list of your members under the Members section.

      2. Tap the Show more icon next to the member whose questions you want to review. Note: The New badge shows your newest group members.

      3. Tap View Answers.

      4. Tap the X after reviewing the member's answers.

This is just an image of Reviewing Member Answers in the Just Jolly App

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